的主人 公共卫生

Our Master of 公共卫生 is one of the most innovative public health 程序s in the United States. Our interdisciplinary curriculum equips you with the skills and experience to excel in the 21st century health workforce and enables you to contribute to the quest of improving the public’s health. 公共卫生不仅仅是一份工作——它是一种做出改变的召唤.


The mission of 网赌上分平台’s Master of 公共卫生(MPH) 程序 is to prepare healthcare professionals who prevent disease, 促进健康, 并通过教育保护公众的福祉, 实践, 研究, 和服务.

通过我们的项目, 你将获得领导技能, 创新思维模式, and background in evidence-based 决策 that are required to excel in the field of public health. 你也将策划专业, 社会, 道德, and political understanding of health you need to succeed from in- and out-of-the-classroom experiences. 作为一名学生,你将通过做公共卫生来学习公共卫生.

我们的核心课程为包括流行病学在内的关键领域提供了广泛的基础, 生物统计学, 社会和行为科学, 医疗管理, 环境健康, along with more advanced coursework focusing on the range of issues relevant to public health today, 包括全球健康, 医疗保健的领导, 公共卫生伦理, 公共卫生法, 公共卫生实践, 规划, 和评估.

Our MPH 程序 is one of the first in the country to be STEM designated by the federal government, which enables international graduates to remain in the United States for an additional 24 months after graduation to receive training through 工作经验.


A Master’s in 公共卫生 is perfect for individuals who want to have a meaningful career helping people and communities in an influential way. 无论是在地球的另一边, 或者就在你的后院, you'll be prepared to identify health problems and implement health 程序s to help people live better lives.

All of your learning experiences will enable you to develop broad technical skills as well as the organizational competencies needed to thrive in a wide range of settings in which public health professionals work, 包括州和地方政府, 非政府组织, 医院, 研究机构, 决策机构, 以及社区健康项目, 等.

比如健康信息专家, 医院管理, 社区卫生项目经理, 县公共卫生主任, 健康促进/教育专家, 公共卫生营养师, 公共卫生管理员, 顾问, 数据分析师, 研究助理, 质量改进专家, 在许多其他方面.

42学分的课程,你可以作为全日制或非全日制学生来学习, or through our dual degree BS/MPH 程序s – delivers broad and practical interdisciplinary training for students interested in non-clinical and allied health fields alike. You’ll have the option to pursue tracks in either global health; health education and promotion; or health informatics, 或者你可以和你的顾问一起规划一个可定制的一般轨道.



  • 我们的公共卫生硕士课程是美国最具创新性的课程之一,因为它的特点:

    • 个性化的实地学术支持, 小类, 以及教师和校友顾问,在你的职业生涯中为你提供指导
    • 方便的课程提供,包括混合,在线和夜间课程灵活的学习
    • Elective courses that enhance and expand the learning experiences in relation to student interests in public health
    • 通过实地经验整合和实际应用课程, capstone项目, 以及其他教育方面的, 研究, 服务活动
    • A 程序-wide focus on preparing to lead and collaborate with others in organized community efforts across a variety of settings, 注重在弱势群体中预防疾病和促进健康
    • 发展成功职业所需技能的机会, 包括咨询, 写简历, 面试培训, 以及与教师和校友导师的合作
    • 利用文化能力和促进思想多样性的现实世界经验, 文化, 性别, 和种族
    • 国际公认的公共卫生思想领袖和实践者
  • 公共卫生硕士是当今医疗保健领域最抢手的学位之一. 应该考虑参加网赌上分平台公共卫生硕士课程的个人包括:

    • 计划从事公共卫生事业的任何背景的个人
    • 对公共卫生或预防医学有兴趣的应届大学毕业生
    • 医生, 护士, 牙科保健, 营养学家, 营养师, 牙医, 兽医, or other clinicians pursuing managerial or administrative roles and responsibilities in public health or the health sector
    • 医疗专业人员, 经理, or administrators seeking formal training and education in preparation for advanced careers in public health
  • 我们的公共卫生硕士提供五种能力, all of which align with those established by the public health education accrediting body — the Council for Education in 公共卫生 (CEPH). 培养这些能力将为你参加公共卫生认证考试做准备, 由国家公共健康检查委员会(NBPHE)提供.

    • 基于证据的公共卫生方法
    • 公共卫生和医疗保健系统
    • 公共卫生政策
    • 促进健康的规划和管理
    • 领导,沟通和跨专业实践
  • 公共卫生硕士课程全面审查申请, 考虑了很多因素,包括以前的GPA, 工作经验, 目的陈述书, 以及推荐信. 大多数进入公共卫生硕士课程的学生的本科gpa为3分.0或更高.



    • 3.获得认可的高等院校的本科GPA或更高
    • 1-2页的目的陈述
    • 两封推荐信(仅限专业或学术推荐信)
    • 当前简历或简历
    • 当前托福或其他语言考试成绩(非英语母语者)
  • Earn your degree from the convenience of home with our new 100% online Master of 公共卫生(MPH) 程序.



The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, 领先的研究和咨询公司专注于高等教育. 它包括全国工资中位数和未来十年的行业增长预测. 点击此处查看报告全文.













The 医疗保健奖基金的女性高管 recognizes an outstanding female graduate student enrolled in the 卫生科学学院, with preference given to a student in the Masters of 健康care Administration or Masters of 公共卫生 程序s. Selection is based on general academic excellence and review of a student-submitted essay outlining career aspirations in healthcare management. 申请医疗保健女行政人员奖学基金(金额约为$1),500(每年)),由保健领域的妇女主管人员设立, 公司.,请发邮件给MHA项目主任Pavani Rangachri.

给Pavani Rangachri发邮件


所有教员都有博士学位.D. 或者是他们领域的终极学位. 我们的教师在该领域拥有超过125年的经验. 他们曾就读于耶鲁大学等著名学府, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 范德比尔特, 哈佛大学, 以及密歇根大学.


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 students have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.

  • This course introduces 研究 methods and the fundamental statistics needed to succeed in today’s public health organizations. The course follows a practical approach that allows the student to learn key statistical principles and learn ways to effectively convey data and results using Excel. 本课程涵盖公共卫生中使用的定量和定性研究方法.

  • 本课程向学生介绍世界各地卫生公平面临的挑战, 重点关注发展中国家和低收入国家. 讨论的主题将包括传染病率和缺乏医疗保健. In addition, students will discuss the effects of the healthy versus unhealthy environment on health. 本课程将介绍提供住所所面临的挑战, 环境卫生, 干净的水, 以及健康食品,以减少全球疾病负担. 该课程还将解释政府的作用, 卫生部, 和世界卫生组织在卫生公平方面的合作.

  • 本课程向学生介绍社会, 生态, 以及人口健康的生命历程观点. 挑战学生解决社会和结构力量,如社会经济地位, 种族, 少数民族, 以及性别不平等的根源, 以及反映在规范中的人际关系过程, 网络, 社会资本. 这门课的重点是行为学, 沟通, 决策, 以及个人的健康状况, 家庭和社区层面.

  • This course will examine the roles and uses of health information technology in healthcare and the tools and techniques used to identify, 分析, 交流医疗数据.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Master of 公共卫生 degree, 查看目录:



